There’s a commonly known idea that during a period of weight loss, you should eat more veggies and fruits, as that somehow, can supposedly help weight loss. But is there anything more specific to fruits in the context of making fat loss sustainable?
In this article, we’re going to give you some clues on the do’s and don’ts of weight loss nutrition, to help you create a more clear plan of action.
What Actually Causes Weight Loss?
It is a fact that the total amount of food, relative to your levels of activity (calories in vs calories out) is one fundamental principle of weight loss. However, the amount of calories we burn is not only dependent on how much we are physically active, but also on our hormone levels and gut health. The body is an integrate complicated system with many different variables influencing each other. While a caloric deficit is needed for weight loss, a healthy gut and more micronutrients can help to increase our metabolism and thus calorie consumption. That is why the quality of the food we eat matters. It is simply easier to supply the body with micronutrients and protein and fiber to loose weight than it is to eat the “Twinkie diet”. Both can lead to weight loss, but the former will help to increase energy levels and maintain weight loss, while the latter will most likely lead to jo-jo dieting.
In order to shed off those excess couple of pounds, you need to consume less calories than you burn throughout the day. That is also referred to as “eating in a caloric deficit” and is, again, the fundamental principle of weight loss.
What About Caloric Content?
Being in a caloric deficit is something you simply cannot skip, but that does not really exclude the choice of food in your diet.
No food can cause weight loss/weight gain in and of itself, but we can choose foods that can:
- Increase satiety
- Improve recovery
- Fill up energy stores
- Replenish micronutrients
The goal of fat loss is to not just decrease the number on the scale, but to also be able to adhere to the nutrition plan or principles, be in peak physical shape, reduce chronic disease symptoms, and maintain the weight loss on the longer term. Therefore, it is essential to provide the body with the highest possible quality of foods and sufficient micronutrients. One of the most secure ways to make sure that you receive all our micronutrients and minerals every day is a high-quality supplement in addition to a healthy diet. We have used Daily Biobasics for almost a decade now and it is without doubt one of the best solutions for increasing proper nutrient intake.
Choose These
In general, you should focus on whole foods that were grown in a good environment and if that’s animal foods, you should make sure that they were fed well. As a matter of fact, most animals grown for their meat do not get sunlight, live in tight spaces with many other animals and are fed with processed fodders. They often get sick because they are so close together, and the farmers “solve” this problem by pumping the cattle full of antibiotics and hormones, which will end up on your plate. All of these factors affect the meat quality and thus, it is necessary to look into alternatives.
Here are the best foods you can add to your nutrition plan:
- Grass-fed beef or bison
- Responsibly farmed shrimp, cod, sockeye salmon
- Wild-caught or responsibly farmed atlantic salmon
- Free range chicken eggs
- Free range chicken
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Beetroot
- Sweet potatoes
- Avocado
- Normal potatoes
- Dairy products such as Greek yogurt (make sure that there is no sugar added!)
All 13 of these foods are likely to help keep you full and satiated, thus making it less likely for you to overeat and exceed your caloric needs. This technically patches the problem of cravings and furthermore, if you combine whole foods with resistance training, you are setting yourself on a path to health and longevity.
So, what role to veggies play in weight loss?
As we mentioned, no single food, even veggies, will cause weight loss just by being in the diet.
However, consuming mostly unprocessed foods and vegetables will make your weight loss substantially more likely to happen. Veggies specifically have the following perks:
- Plenty of micronutrients (vitamins/minerals)
- Plenty of fiber (Keeps you full)
- Big volume of food for little calories
- They feel fresh!
Do include veggies in your weight loss plan, as they will help keep you fuller for longer, on top of the other nutrients you get from whole foods, that regulate satiety. The same thing goes for fruits and even more so, one of their main perks is that they are sweet and can replace processed desserts. Note that it will take a few days for your taste buds and body to adjust to the new whole food lifestyle, so stick with it for a few days until you feel the difference in energy levels and cravings. Exercise will help to decrease cravings and increase energy levels as well, along with the myriad of other benefits for your health and wellbeing that we discussed last year.
Take This Home
If you are trying to lose weight, focus on eating whole foods with plenty of quality protein and some healthy fats, as those are the nutrients that will keep you full, satiated and energized. Once you have secured your macronutrients, you can add a couple of high volume, low-calorie salads here and there to totally kill the feeling of hunger! Veggies are the star of a successful weight loss journey!